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Mount And Blade Leadership

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by tiosubmaser1986 2020. 1. 23. 02:17


Mount And Blade Leadership

However, only the party-leader's level in the skill is used. All horses (except the arena mount) have a minimum riding requirement; this skill also increases your. May 15, 2017 - How to Increase Your Skills and Attributes in Mount and Blade. Trade = 1; leadership = 1; prisonermanagement = 1; reservedskill1 = 0.

So I've been playing a lot of Mount & Blade: Warband, and I'm curious about other people's builds. My (lvl 26) character looks like thisSTR: 11AGI: 9INT: 21CHA: 21Power Strike/Power Draw/Shield/Riding/Athletics/Horse Archery are all at 3, Weapon Master is at 4, Prisoner Management at 6, Path-finding/Persuasion at 7, and Leadership at 8. My weapons skills are mainly pumped for one-handed weapons and bows.I'm curious because my party isn't really large enough to take castles (I lead 108 men); I managed to take a castle once that had about 50-60 men in its garrison, but all my other attempts to storm castles on my own have been abysmal failures. I feel like I've pumped leadership pretty aggressively, but at five more followers a point, I need at least like ten (!) more points in it to even have a chance at taking castles on my own.Advice?

Does my experience seem totally ridiculous? Do people capture castles with the amount of men I have now, or less? Do people not command large enough armies to take castles alone until they're like level 60? Or is it that people get made marshal and then command other nobles to help them capture castles and towns? Honestly, Rhodoks is the easiest nation to conquer with.

Mount & Blade Download

Get yourself a good amount of crossbowmen and stand outside the walls and pelt them down before sending in your infantry. Set infantry and your dismounted cavalry in front of your archers to soak up missiles since they usually have a higher hp.When you get a high enough level, and another Lord likes you enough, you can ask them to follow you and use their men to help you conquer the larger cities. If you are well liked enough, you can always convince the King to give a newly acquired castle or city to you instead of the one who conquered it. There are more ways to go about it then trying to solo it.Personally, I ignore leadership and leave it at 3 or 4 because a strong enough character is going to kill a good chunk of their men by himself/herself, and you get more men as your renown raises. Stronger characters can engage foes that have them vastly outnumbered and win which gives a more renown so more men.On another note, check out mods for Mount & Blade Warband. It has an amazing selection that makes it one of my favorites. Meh, for me it was always Weapon Mastery.

Give me a horse and a bastard sword, and I will take out 30-40 of them by myself and that is if I am having an off day.The reason Rhodoks is easy to conquer with is because of their Crossbowmen. They will, literally, snipe everyone off a wall.

They are broken. You can sit back and shoot most of them off the walls and then send in your infantry, easily taking the battlements before they get their 'reinforcement' wave.

Rhodoks is also hella hard to take castles from due to their tough infantry and ridiculous crossbowmen.Honestly, I should add, that Horse Archery is fairly pointless. The amount of damage you will inflict on a horse with a bastard sword (Use two-handed) is incredible to the point where firing from your horse is really just messing around. Horse Archery, in general, is not very powerful in Vanilla Mount and blade Warband. Fighting horse archers is more annoyance at having to chase them down then fear of losing.I say use a bastard sword that way you can add a shield and use shield/sword when on foot (To stay alive), and two handed when on horse back (Maximum carnage). The last two slots are up to you.I will second Corn on the intelligence bit. You will need pathfinding and trainer maxed out, but after that, I tend to go all warrior.

You want surgery? Companion, give them a bow and set them to archer. Honestly, that is it. The chances of them going down is really low unless you are so outmatched that you have to send in your archers, in which case, surgery/first aid isn't going to save you. Click to expand.Alright, I will give you my big five:Game of Thrones -This mod is beautiful.

You want to fight in Harrenhall? You want to siege the Red Keep? Always wanted to help the starks win? It is a huge map, the graphics are vastly improved, a huge number of new weaponry and armor, they even have Gregor as being three feet taller then you. This mod is simply amazing.Anno Domini 1257 -Another huge mod as there are so many towns and castles that you get lost if you zoom too far out, but it really lets you experience the age, what I really like about it is that if you are in England, you won't find muslim weaponry and vice-versa. The only bad note as due to the time line constriction, the items are somewhat limited, but even then they manage to come out ahead.

This is another awesome mod that I highly recommend.Gekokujo -If you are a fan of the more far eastern stuff then this is right up your alley. Set in Sengoku Japan, you get to take part in the awesome series of wars, don't expect to find a shield though. I love the attack animations as if you are using a Katana, you will swing it as if it was a Katana and come back to a 'resting' point, really brings the setting home when you are in the middle of combat.

The cities and such are wonderfully done, again, an overall awesome mod.16th Century -This mod is truly epic in size. You can go from Aztec controlled central america all the way to Japan and everything in between. Ever wonder what would happen if a Gothic Knight fought a Samurai? This is a good place to test it out. They added a lot of their own touch to the game including to new weapons and armor, but I do have two small problems with it: The names of lords needs to be fixed, I shouldn't be finding gothic plate in China so fixing the item locations would be nice.Storm of the Three Kingdoms -Essentially it's china's war of three kingdoms. This is an awesome mod with many nice features, one of my favorites, is the implementation of duels.

At the start of large battles against NPC heroes they will challenge you to duels, and your armies will line up as you and he duke it out, unless you chose a companion to take your place in the fight. The winner gets renown and causes some of their men to flee. A lot of characters and thier skins from Dynasty Warriors are in it, and it is really fun to knock out Lu Bu. Be warned, he is a tough blighter.

The cities also look like they should and the music is a nice touch, so I really enjoy it. It is not finished though as there are still some missing elements, but overall, it is an excellent mod.Honorable Mention:Sword of Damocles: Warlords -Not as good as the original for Mound and Blade, but it is still a wonderful mod full of new troops, equipment, and land. I don't recommend it as highly as I do the top five, but well worth the play.Watch list:Grim Age -A Warhammer Fantasy multiplayer mod. The model details and building details are astounding.

Sadly they are making it for multiplayer, but they have said they are adding a Single Player mode once they get it finished and polished. I am still eagerly awaiting it as this mod looks beautiful, and I really like Warhammer Fantasy. OK things are going a little better, gang. I was awarded a town (not for really doing anything but being an effective suck-up/errand lady for the king) and I've since developed a good discipline of keeping the garrison there decent sized (150) and mostly keeping all my elite troops there.More importantly (though this town is a real treat) I was able to take a castle with a garrison of 120 with my army of 109. The enemy had about 50 Khergit Lancers and 75 Veteran Horse Archers, and I just kept entering battle and retreating, wearing the enemy down at favorable ratios with 20 Vaegir Marksmen (supposedly the best foot archers?

But Rhodok crossbowmen are still preferable?) and some other archers/crossbowmen.Unfortunately, the king didn't give me the castle. I would have rebelled, but besides my town I only have two distant villages and the Vaegirs are probably the most powerful kingdom in my game right now.

What's a good holding to consider breaking away with? My town (Narra) is at least on the edge of Vaegir territory.Also dumped a lot of points into trainer on my character, and that has been great.

I have like 50 lancers hanging out in Narra because I'm usually operating near Khergit towns and pump lancers out so fast. OK things are going a little better, gang.

I was awarded a town (not for really doing anything but being an effective suck-up/errand lady for the king) and I've since developed a good discipline of keeping the garrison there decent sized (150) and mostly keeping all my elite troops there.More importantly (though this town is a real treat) I was able to take a castle with a garrison of 120 with my army of 109. The enemy had about 50 Khergit Lancers and 75 Veteran Horse Archers, and I just kept entering battle and retreating, wearing the enemy down at favorable ratios with 20 Vaegir Marksmen (supposedly the best foot archers?

But Rhodok crossbowmen are still preferable?) and some other archers/crossbowmen.Unfortunately, the king didn't give me the castle. I would have rebelled, but besides my town I only have two distant villages and the Vaegirs are probably the most powerful kingdom in my game right now. What's a good holding to consider breaking away with?

My town (Narra) is at least on the edge of Vaegir territory.Also dumped a lot of points into trainer on my character, and that has been great. I have like 50 lancers hanging out in Narra because I'm usually operating near Khergit towns and pump lancers out so fast.

Mount And Blade Leadership

Click to expand.I'd recommend Prophesy of Pendor, though it's a bit more difficult that most of the mods out there.Lots of enemies come with plate, lots of enemies come at Level 60+, and some enemies can one-shot kill as soon as the battle begins. Furthermore, the mod comes with unique spawns that can come with armies consisting of 600+ high-powered super knights, which need entire kingdoms going on campaign to beat.On the other hand, building a custom knight order with Noldor Composite Bows and then training them up to Power Draw 10 is pretty satisfying. I'm curious because my party isn't really large enough to take castles (I lead 108 men); I managed to take a castle once that had about 50-60 men in its garrison, but all my other attempts to storm castles on my own have been abysmal failures. I feel like I've pumped leadership pretty aggressively, but at five more followers a point, I need at least like ten (!) more points in it to even have a chance at taking castles on my own.Advice? Does my experience seem totally ridiculous? Do people capture castles with the amount of men I have now, or less? Do people not command large enough armies to take castles alone until they're like level 60?

Or is it that people get made marshal and then command other nobles to help them capture castles and towns? Click to expand.Go fight the Sarranids. I have reliably taken Sarranid castles with around 60 men (a mix of Swadian Knights, sharpshooters and whatever mercs I could find to bulk out my numbers) with almost no casualties. In fact, Sarranid castles and cities are so easy to take that I was finding it difficult to hold them effectively; I had skeleton garrisons of five to ten men while I ran around trying to defend everywhere as the Sarranids repeatedly threw large armies of low-level soldiers at me.

Click to expand.Hired blades are excellent. They can hold their own against anything that are thrown at them, honestly, they are a great addition to any army. I would not use merc cavalry at all since hired blades make better soldiers and they are mediocre cavalry, not really worth your time unless you are desperate for men.

Same for merc crossbowmen, good if you don't have any other options or need to up a garrison.Slave Chiefs aren't bad, they are pretty good cav, wonderful if you want to capture soldiers since they only use blunt weapons, but they are fairly hard to get as lower tier manhunters tend to die easily, Swaidan Knights are a better heavy cav option, and are the best heavy cav in the game. I'd recommend Prophesy of Pendor, though it's a bit more difficult that most of the mods out there.Lots of enemies come with plate, lots of enemies come at Level 60+, and some enemies can one-shot kill as soon as the battle begins. Furthermore, the mod comes with unique spawns that can come with armies consisting of 600+ high-powered super knights, which need entire kingdoms going on campaign to beat.On the other hand, building a custom knight order with Noldor Composite Bows and then training them up to Power Draw 10 is pretty satisfying.

20 JuneGreetings warriors of Calradia!In Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, players are able to engage in a number of hostile and criminal activities. However, just as in real life, these actions have consequences. And while some of the more obvious actions may be engaging an enemy in a pitched battle or laying siege to a castle, in this week’s blog, we focus on some of the more unconventional options that players have at their disposal.Raiding VillagesFirst on the list is something that Mount & Blade veterans will be familiar with: raiding.

Raiding in Bannerlord is built on the mechanic from our previous games, but with various additions and improvements to how the system works.Players are free to initiate raids on neutral or enemy villages to steal the assets of the villagers. After dispatching the local militia, the raid continues on the world map, with the inventory of the village being transferred to the player party over time. The player can choose to abandon the raid at any time, taking whatever goods they managed to gather with them.

Once a village has been fully raided, it takes some time for it to recover and be fully operational again.Forcefully Recruiting VillagersBannerlord sees the introduction of the ability to press gang villagers into your army. This is an act of coercion that takes some time to perform, but won’t necessarily lead to an encounter, providing there is a character with a high roguery skill in the player party. Villagers can choose to resist this coercion, at which point the player needs to decide if they should escalate to fighting the villagers, or back down and abandon their attempts to forcefully recruit troops. If the player decides to back down, then there are no penalties for their actions.Forcefully Taking SuppliesForcing supplies from villages is the least aggressive of the hostile actions, and villagers will only put up a fight if they believe you have absolutely no chance of taking on their numbers. Otherwise, they will allow you to take some supplies from the village’s stores while spending some time there.

The yield from forcing supplies will be significantly smaller compared to a raid, but at the same time, you will create much less ill will against yourself.Attacking or Coercing Villagers and CaravansBut of course, it isn’t just settlements that are subject to hostile actions. Caravans and villager parties moving on the campaign map can also be attacked, coerced to join the player or forced to hand over a portion of their items and gold.

In addition to this, they can also be intimidated into surrendering, which gives the player full access to their inventory. Just like with hostile actions against settlements, the severity of the hostile action is taken into account to determine consequences. Forcefully taking a few items from a caravan can be regarded as relatively unimportant, whereas outright attacking it will be considered as a major provocation.Consequences for Hostile ActionsIf you are not at war with the kingdom of the target, hostile actions are considered to be criminal acts and thus increase your criminal rating in the region. However, if your criminal rating exceeds a certain point, the other kingdom will be provoked to declare war. Otherwise, you may be able to repair the damage and atone for your sins by paying compensation.But apart from the threat of war, there are many other consequences to hostile actions. In all instances, the player will receive a relation hit with the owner of the targeted settlement and notables that reside there.

Moreover, if the player is a vassal of a kingdom, they will receive a relation penalty with their liege and lose influence within their realm. Finally, if the player is the ruler of their faction, their influence within their realm will again be negatively impacted.Discuss this blog post. 13 JuneGreetings warriors of Calradia!During battles, hierarchies are of key importance: keeping the chain of command intact and knowing exactly who is in charge is vital especially if that someone is you! That rang especially true in medieval times when the chain of command was also a reflection of how society was ordered as a whole.In Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, politics and tactics can overlap as well, and you won’t always be the one in command of every army you’re fighting for. In the early and middle game, you will usually find yourself following an army led by a king or a high ranking noble. When this army enters battle, you may be able to take the leadership of one of the formations, but which formation you may lead has to be determined realistically, so we came up with a system for that.For determining who will lead what, the game first assigns a seniority rank to each lord present, including the player. Calculation of the rank takes into account clan renown and power, and of course, faction rulers are given a huge boost to reflect their position within the realm.

The system also takes into account the leader of the army itself, as well as, the number of troops that each lord has brought to the field of battle.The lord with the highest rank is selected as the commander for the battle. Following this, captains are allowed to choose the formation they will lead in order of their rank. For NPC lords, an AI routine selects the most appropriate formation (usually the largest and most prestigious one remaining).When it’s the player’s turn to choose, the game displays the menu above. Formations led by higher ranking lords are shown as locked and may not be selected. Players may select any of the remaining ones, or choose not to lead any formation at all (entering the battle as just a warrior with no special responsibilities). Once the player makes a choice, any remaining AI lords are also assigned to their choices in the order of their rank. Players may then review this order of battle and then click done if satisfied with how things look.Conversely, if the player has the highest rank and is assigned as the commander, then they will be given total control over the entire army during the battle.

In this case, the player is still shown the menu but can’t change anything and just has to proceed after reviewing the information.We feel that the order of battle system helps to provide players with a sense of a greater power structure that one would expect to find in a medieval society. It eliminates these strange scenarios where prestigious lords and rulers are commanded by some random lord’s nephew. It also helps to give players a sense of progression as they rise through the ranks to become a renowned lord that commands both respect and, well, more troops!Discuss this blog post.

About This Game The horns sound, the ravens gather. An empire is torn by civil war. Beyond its borders, new kingdoms rise. Gird on your sword, don your armour, summon your followers and ride forth to win glory on the battlefields of Calradia. Establish your hegemony and create a new world out of the ashes of the old.Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is the eagerly awaited sequel to the acclaimed medieval combat simulator and role-playing game Mount & Blade: Warband. Set 200 years before, it expands both the detailed fighting system and the world of Calradia.

Bombard mountain fastnesses with siege engines, establish secret criminal empires in the back alleys of cities, or charge into the thick of chaotic battles in your quest for power.SIEGE GAMEPLAYConstruct, position and fire a range of heavy machinery in sieges that will test your wits and skill like never before. Experience epic, sprawling combat across ramparts and rubble as you desperately hold on to your castle or seek to seize one from the enemy.Historically authentic defensive structures offer the ultimate medieval warfare experience, as you batter a rival's gate with your ram or burn his siege tower to ashes. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord lets you live every moment of a chaotic battle through the eyes of a single soldier.DIPLOMACYEngage in diplomacy, with meaningful consequences that impact the world. Strike historic peace deals that win land for your kingdom or free you to take on a new foe.

An all-new barter system gives players flexibility in cementing deals, from marriage offers to treason pacts, offering all the options available to NPCs. Use a new influence system to direct your faction's energies or strangle the aspirations of a rival.SANDBOX ECONOMYSee the availability of goods ebb and flow in a simulated feudal economy, where the price of everything from incense to warhorses fluctuates with supply and demand. Invest in farms and workshops, or turn anarchy to your advantage by being the first to bring grain to a starving town after a siege or reopening a bandit-plagued caravan route.CRAFTINGCraft your own weapon, name it and carry it with you to the field of battle! A deep, physics-based system gives each weapon you create a unique set of attributes, strengths and weaknesses. Forge a finely-tuned killing machine to match your own prowess and complement your play-style, or take the sword of your enemy and brandish it as a trophy of war.MODDINGThe engine and tools used to develop Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord are being made available to the community, so that modders can re-interpret Calradia or create their own worlds!


Players can now combine different mods, making it easier than ever to play the game of your dreams.ENGINEAn all-new tailor-made game engine, developed in-house to fulfill the unique needs of the series, offers the perfect balance of performance and graphical fidelity, scalable with the power of your hardware.Experience Mount & Blade with richer, more beautiful graphics than ever, immersing you in the world of Calradia, rendering the game's magnificent battles with equally spectacular detail.

Mount And Blade Leadership